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Registrations are now open for the International Coffee Tasting 2010, the world coffee tasting competition

The third edition of International Coffee Tasting will be held in Brescia (Italy) on October, 26-27. The  commissions of the International Institute of Coffee Tasters, the scientific and independent association that concentrates exclusively on the sensory analysis of the coffee, will meet in Brescia to evaluate samples of coffees coming from all over the world.

"At its third edition, International Coffee Tasting 2010 will be an excellent barometer to evaluate how things are going in the coffee market – said Mr. Luigi Odello, secretary general of the International Institute of Coffee Tasters and professor of sensory analysis in Italian universities and abroad – In the  last edition of the competition we had the chance to sample 130 different from all around the world". A real international showcase, useful to understand the latest trends.

International Coffee Tasting 2010 accepts coffee in all different styles, from espresso to capsules, from pods to filter coffee. Each company participating to the competition will receive its ranking and the sensory profile of its own product. The mission of the International Coffee Tasting 2010 is not only to award excellence, but also to support coffee roasters in reaching it. "The market is effectively polarizing itself, with peaks of high quality countered by example of poor quality", concluded Mr Odello.

International Coffee Tasting 2010 is open to coffee roasters from all around the world. Coffee roasters can register up until the June 30 (forms available at www.coffeetasters.org). For more information please contact Claudia Ferretti (claudia.ferretti@italiantasters.com, tel. +39 030 397308).

>> Go to the International Coffee Tasting 2010 page

Italian espresso abroad: training will save us Italians

by Carlo Odello *

Some people still believe that simply by virtue of being Italian we are entitled to talk about espresso with greater authority than others. It is a comforting thought cherished by many. And yet it could not be further from the truth, at least in some of the markets much coveted by us Italians.

Let’s take Japan, for example, a country that loves Italy and its products: the food, wine, fashion, history (because history is also a product that has to be sold through adequate marketing; who knows, perhaps sooner or later some of our politicians will wake up to this fact). Italian espresso therefore has an advantage over the other products. And yet let no one believe for a moment that being Italian is enough in itself to sell coffee in the Land of the Rising Sun. The Japanese are careful buyers: their selection of products is extremely accurate, long and complex. But once they choose a product, they stick to it faithfully, unless of course the supplier himself turns out to be unreliable.

Let’s take the USA, which have a very strong home market boasting thousands of coffee roasters. The specialty coffee and the so-called Third Wave dominate the market. And the West Coast, from Portland to Vancouver via the legendary Seattle, is a stronghold of espresso made in the USA (but luckily there are exceptions, such as Caffè Umbria which stubbornly and successfully continues to offer the tradition of Italian-style espresso). So let’s face it: the Americans are only relatively interested in Italian espresso.

What is the best way to enter both the Japanese and the American markets? Training, of course. The Japanese want to have certainties rather than half-truths. They want to have the tools to judge the quality for themselves. For this reason they appreciate the tasting courses designed to teach how to assess the quality of Italian espresso. As for the Americans, we just need to explain to them our espresso: the training periods are therefore vital to explain to them the importance of our seven grams per cup, of our 25-millimeter extraction, the centrality of the blend, and so forth.

A student of mine, who is a celebrity barista, told me recently in California: “The coffee tasting course has opened my eyes on what you Italians mean by espresso”. There are still many more eyes to be opened. And only through training can real culture and experience be passed on. The rest is important but nowhere near as effective.

P.S. Talking about training: from 18th to 20th May there are advanced courses in Brescia run by the International Institute of Coffee Tasters.

* Trainer and member of the board of the International Institute of Coffee Tasters

Espresso sensory game at the SCAA Exposition in Anaheim

The International Institute of Coffee Tasters will organize an espresso sensory game during the SCAA Exhibition (Anaheim, CA, USA, April 16-18). The coffee tasters at Caffè Umbria will be partners to the event, hosting the sensory game at their booth. The winners will receive a copy of Espresso Italiano Tasting, the official handbook of the Institute. Carlo Odello, member of the board of the Institute, will be glad to provide visitors with information about the association.

Coffee Experience wants you: we are looking for baristas!

Do you want to be a member of the staff of Coffee Experience 2010? Two professional espresso machines, 30 coffee grinders, coffee in beans and pods: more than 7,000 coffees to be served in five days.

If you want to join our staff as a barista, please write to carlo.odello@italiantasters.com. Coffee Experience will cover your accomodation in Italy.

Coffee Experience 2010, Verona, Aprile 8-12: the largest coffee tasting event in the world.

Coffee Experience is back, the largest coffee tasting event in the world

After last year’s lucky first edition, Coffee Experience is back, the largest coffee tasting event in the world. It will be held from the 8th to the 12th of April in Verona,at the Agrifood Club, the salon hosted within Vinitaly, the most important exhibition dedicated to wines and distillates. Even this year it will be possible to taste 35 different coffees available for the over 100,000 visitors that every year come to the exhibition in Verona.

"Last year we reached more than 7,000 tasting cards – says Luigi Odello, president of the Italian Tasters, VeronaFiere’s partner in the event – A precious amount of data that has evidenced industry trends. This year’s second edition will be an further test to verify the public’s tastes and preferences".

"Coffee Experience also represents a showroom of international importance for participating companies – continues Odello – The presence of foreign buyers and operators is in fact strong, strategic presence in a moment in which attention for expresso is growing abroad, and which in some nations has even surpassed traditional preparations".

Coffee Experience benefits the patronage of the Italian Espresso National Institute and of International Institute of Coffee Tasters.

The roasters that would like to participate with one or more products can write to claudia.ferretti@italiantasters.com or call 030 397308.

Pesquisadores da Embrapa procuram minimizar os efeitos do aquecimento global na cultura do café

do correspondente Antonello Monardo *

Desenvolver as pesquisas para minimizar os efeitos do aquecimento global na cultura do café, esta é uma das prioridades do programa de pesquisa coordenado da Empresa Brasileira para a Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) e conduzido por instituições que fazem parte do Consorcio Brasileiro para a Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Café.

Segundo a pesquisadora da Embrapa Café, Miriam Eira, nos últimos anos foram feitos grandes trabalhos na planta de café, como o desenvolvimento de materiais genéticos em potencial e de café a maturação diferenciada.  Os novos desafios parecem porém, ser a seleção de cultivos resistentes a seca e situações térmicas estremas e o desenvolvimento de técnicas de cultivos em grau de fazer frente as mutações climáticas e ao aquecimento do planeta. Particulares técnicas de irrigação e adensamento e arborização da lavoura serão por isto, estudadas para reduzir a vulnerabilidade climática da planta.

Estudos que envolvem a esfera da biotecnologia, da agroclimatologia e da fisiologia do café trabalham juntos para procurar atenuar os efeitos negativos do aquecimento global para fazer assim que o Brasil continue na liderança, como produtor mundial de café.

Um estudo realizado por especialistas da Embrapa e da Universidade de Campinas (Unicamp) concluiu de fato que o café, milho e soja, são as culturas mais suscetíveis aos efeitos do aquecimento global. Segundo o coordenador técnico da pesquisa, Eduardo Assad, a principal causa da vulnerabilidade do café são de fato o déficit hídrico e o calor intenso que causam o aborto da florada. Porém, ele acredita que a biotecnologia e a genética possam mudar esta situação, tornando as plantas mais tolerantes a estas ameaças. Para os pesquisadores a resposta as mudanças climáticas poderão ser o cruzamento entre cafés da espécie Arábica e Robusta.

Fonte: Ministério da Agricultura

*Antonello Monardo, mora desde 1992 em Brasília è delegado da Câmara Ítalo-Brasileira de Comércio e Indústria. Torrefador de café gourmet e especiais, ganhador da medalha de ouro do International Coffee Tasting 2008. Organiza e ministra cursos para baristas, participa a palestras e eventos em instituições e universidades, divulgando a cultura do café de qualidade.


Canada: customer protests for a coffee, banned for life from a coffee shop

He protested three times because his coffee seemed burnt. In reply he was banned for life from the coffee shop. This is Jimmy Craig’s misadventure in the Canadian chain of stores Tim Hortons.

Canadian media reported that Craig had complained because his coffee seemed a burnt brew. At first he talked to the manager, then with the owner. That, under a local law, handed him a letter with which he  warned him not to set foot in the coffee shop again. "This is not the way to treat people", commented seemingly the owner.

(Carlo Odello)

International Coffee Tasting 2010: updated website

The competition rules and the application form for the International Coffee Tasting 2010 are now avaiable on the website of the International Institute of Coffee Tasters.

The International Coffee Tasting 2010 is an international competition for single or mixed origin coffee, in beans, powder or single dose forms, for espresso, mocha or filter coffee. It will be held in Italy on October 26-27 and is organised by the International Institute of Coffee Tasters with the cooperation of the Centro Studi Assaggiatori (Italian Tasters).

The International Coffee Tasting proposes:

  • to create a competition between coffees from throughout the world in order to emphasize the hedonic quality of the product which comes from particularly gifted areas and which is carefully grown, expertly selected, knowledgeably roasted and then, whenever appropriate, masterfully blended;
  • to emphasis quality production by indicating to consumers the best products on the market;
  • to stimulate producers to follow a quality path in its most modern definition: i.e. customer satisfaction.

For more information, just visit the website or send an email to info@coffeetasters.org.

Looking for the perfect barista: Espresso Italiano Champion is coming

The Aibes, the Italian Association of Barmen and Supporters, and the Italian Espresso National Institute will work together in the professional channel of coffee with the objective to increase professionalism in this industry. This is the objective of the agreement signed between the two associations involving the intervention of the National Italian Espresso both in competitions and in training by Aibes. In particular in the regional and national Aibes championships, the section Espresso Italiano Champion will be created. So in 2010, through the regional championships and the national competition that will follow, it will be possible to identify the best barista in Italy.

"This agreement with the Italian Espresso National Institute – said Giorgio Fadda, President of the Aibes – allows Aibes to implement the skills of our members in the coffee area, which we consider of essential importance. The qualified support of the Italian Espresso National Institute will be then used as part of our training programs. Since we believe that our competitions are an important moment of confrontation between professionals, we included in the 2010 program of competitions the section Espresso Italiano Champion: a new exciting challenge for the industry".

"The agreement between the Italian Espresso National Institute and Aibes is a historical step for the bar industry in Italy – said Gianluigi Sora, president of the Italian Espresso National Institute – Espresso Italiano Champion will be a stimulus for growth in the sector because it will reward professionalism. However, the collaboration is not just limited to competition: in fact the Italian Espresso National Institute will support Aibes in the training in the coffee sector through its members. And the partnership with Aibes will allow our professional baristas, the Espresso Italiano Specialists, to enhance their culture in mixed drinks and in the high level hospitality".

The Italian Espresso National Institute, which includes coffee roasters, equipment manufacturers and other partners that focus on quality espresso, now has 40 members with a combined turnover of around 650 million euros. The Aibes deals with developing the professionalism and skills of people working in bars through a training program that includes courses, masters, study trips and moments of confrontation between barmen and other companies in the sector. Aibes has a history of 60 years of activity and more than 3,000 associated barmen in Italy.


Coffee tasters, we want your pictures!

The new IIAC website is on line. We are adding content right now. We would like to publish our members’ pictures. Send us a picture of you with IIAC certificates, possibly at your workplace. We will publish it in the new members’ gallery. You can send your picture to news@coffeetasters.org.